Climbing With Conviction as a Muslim Woman and Immigrant Daughter

Morally, I struggled to tear my focus away from the genocide in Gaza and leave my community to complete my climb. Back home, I’m met with blank stares and confusion — mountaineering being a far cry from what my priorities should be as a single 28-year-old woman. I’ve never been able to explain the passion I feel as I gaze up at the highest peaks in the world.

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4 Ways To Turn a Hobby Into a Passion

It was at that very moment that I knew climbing wasn’t just a passing interest—it was going to become a much bigger part of my life. I quickly became convinced that no matter where I went or what life threw my way, climbing would always be there. Now, I can’t imagine my life without it. But in all honesty, it hasn’t been easy. So, here are some of my tips and tricks for turning a hobby into a passion… 

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The Reluctant Gentrifier: 6 Ways to Reduce Harm in Your New Neighborhood

Congratulations. You’re taking advantage of cheaper rent by moving into a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. 

Yes, you’re part of the problem. But it’s also all you can afford at the moment. You’re a reluctant gentrifier, actively causing harm but also feeling kinda bad about it. Short of going back to the Midwest or to an overpriced apartment in a different part of town…here are six things you can do to be a better community member now.

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Winter Surfing Helped Me Find Community and Banish the Winter Blues

But ask a New England surfer about the changing seasons. It’s more likely they’ll mark this same passage of time by the thickness of their neoprene wetsuit. They surf year-round, making the most of the sometimes harsh and unforgiving winters. New England surfers simply add millimeters of neoprene the way hikers add base layers. For a lifelong Californian born and raised in “sunny San Diego,” my first winter in Rhode Island was eye opening. 

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Rained out of Hueco? 4 Day Trip Alternatives

This fall, I planned a trip to Hueco for a friend’s first outdoor climbing trip. We were all very excited. We drove to the park and at the ranger station, there was a sign out front- “NO CLIMBING TODAY.” We were devastated.

So, what were going to do?? Luckily I remembered, 8 years earlier that I climbed a cool cave in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I told everyone, No need to despair, onto Las Cruces we go!

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Life After Competition with Taiwanese-American Wild Ice Skater Angelina Huang

A former Team USA figure skater and U.S. Nationals Gold Medalist, Angelina Huang first stepped onto the ice at just six years old. By 11, she was training professionally at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado, and by 12, she had landed her first double axel. There was something special about life in the rink that touched her soul, lifted her spirits, and inspired to dream big. 

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