Posts by Mike Cho 조은상
Life After Competition with Taiwanese-American Wild Ice Skater Angelina Huang

A former Team USA figure skater and U.S. Nationals Gold Medalist, Angelina Huang first stepped onto the ice at just six years old. By 11, she was training professionally at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado, and by 12, she had landed her first double axel. There was something special about life in the rink that touched her soul, lifted her spirits, and inspired to dream big. 

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6 Asian American Triple Crown Hikers to Follow

Every year, thousands of thru-hikers embark on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), Appalachian Trail (AT), or Continental Divide Trail (CDT). However, only a select few achieve the coveted Triple Crown by completing all three, trekking nearly 8000 miles across the American wilderness. Here are six Asian American Triple Crown hikers who have defied stereotypes by taking the road less traveled. 

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Asian American Backpacker Liz Thomas Wants You to Try an Urban Hike

First and foremost, Liz Thomas is a Japanese-American Triple Crown thru-hiker, a Yale graduate with a degree in Environmental Science, an award-winning author, editor-in-chief at Treeline Review, and the first to traverse the Chinook Trail, a legendary 2000-plus mile trek in the Columbia River Gorge and Wasatch Range in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. And she wants you to try an urban hike.

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