Skydiving as a Woman of Color

Team Blackstar gave me the freedom to stop pretending I don't notice when I'm the only person of color at my drop-zone. Yes we see color. And we realize the lack of diversity isn't a neutral thing.

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A Sendsmas Christmas

I was asked to join a group of individuals, most of whom I've never met, to spend three days over Christmas break in Red Rocks, near Las Vegas, Nevada. It just so happened that my schedule was open and had planned on staying in Portland this year, so I decided to take the leap. It's not every day I get asked to do some rock climbing in a different state with a group of climbing enthusiasts.  I figured it was either going to be an amazing adventure or it would be a Christmas to remember and not in a good way—so I took a gamble.

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Grief, Trauma and Loss in the Outdoors

Then there’s the one time I used duct tape, super glue, and butterfly sutures to close a friend's eyebrow that was split from the mid-line to the corner of his eye.

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Send It! Your Guide to Adventure Sports

Part of what makes shared culture in outdoor recreation so great is the shared vocabulary. However, having to learn an entirely new lexicon can be off putting or intimidating to newcomers. Get a head start with our deep dive into adventure sports lingo.

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Bears Ears: In Defense of National Monuments

These beautiful landscapes exist within a continuum of Indigenous culture. To forget this is to ignore local voices, local culture and local communities in favor of special interests. To do so is to disregard our heritage. Bears Ears is a cultural and natural landmark and it deserves our protection.

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Are you a Woman of Color who loves the Outdoors? Want to be featured in a video project that's all about your goals and accomplishments? Melanin Base Camp is teaming up with Brown Girls Climb on Project Diversify Outdoors to highlight the accomplishments of Women of Color in the Outdoors.

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Before Skydiving, the Idea of Not Having Control of My Life Terrified Me

Before skydiving, the idea of being small and not having control of my life absolutely terrified me. The idea of failing a test, or having a sorority event go wrong, would give me severe anxiety..... Who could imagine that in jumping out of airplanes, I would find my peace.

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Who is Adam?

I'm an adventure seeking 20 something who enjoys early morning summits, software development, travel, and photography.  You can find me playing around in the great outdoors, or pursuing any number of creative endeavors.

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When most people talk about the Grand Canyon, they tend to be speaking of the Colorado river in the Southwest of the United States. For those of us residing in the pacific northwestern states a few other rivers come to mind. While the Colorado tops many lists, a different Grand Canyon has called out to me for many years.

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