Bouldering in Llama-Land!

Peru is a wonderful country for all outdoor enthusiasts! There is surfing, mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain biking, and much more.  For those of you who are interested in visiting Peru, I’ll share our experiences to hopefully make your trip planning smoother.  We split our time between Lima and Cusco, so this review will focus on the climbing in those areas.

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Strong Role Models

I can't help but dwell on the idea of where my relentless drive and fiery passion for doing something different, something unusual, despite my race, gender, small stature, and yes, even fear of heights. Although, when I look back, it's easy to realize it was primarily due to my mom and people like her who believed in me, even when I went through phases of not believing in myself.

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Sometimes The Bear Eats You pt II

The others being ones where I have been afraid because I know I’ve done nothing to warrant the interaction that is taking place, but there is nothing I can do about it. Instances like the one I started this article with. They are not unique. I've interacted with far fewer bears, knowingly, than I have police officers. And I've gone looking for bears, of many sorts, often enough in my adventures.

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Blood on the Ice: The Hard Truth of Adventure Sports

“You’re going to be alright,” I glanced down and whispered to a broken man struggling through an ice climbing nightmare. My eyes darted quickly between the Korean rescue worker helping to stabilize the opposite side of the stretcher, over my shoulder at the fifty feet of steep ice awaiting our descent, and back to the contorted face of the injured climber.

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The Third Eye

Filming kayaking isn't easy. You'll have to be able to kayak what you want to shoot, or be a very willing hiker, climber, and skilled outdoor person if you aren't comfortable kayaking with an expensive camera.

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Adam Edwards
No, Where Are You Really From? Women of Color in Skydiving Speak, Pt I

“We are not asking for it and women shouldn’t be expected to smile and silently put up with this harassment so we can be part of the skydiving community.”

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