3 Hiking Tips from an African-American Naturalist

Conservation biologist Iris Hill has worked for Tyler Perry studio, transcribed audio for Whitney Houston and auditioned to become a back-up dancer for Beyoncé. Her life transformed when she decided to merge her passion for acting with her love of nature and outdoor education. 

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African American Climber Zenobia Sims Wants You to Face Your Fears in the Outdoors

She described herself as feeling much more self-aware and much more nervous on her second BASE jump. But then she thought about how she had almost died while driving to work one day in Arizona—a rollover accident that left her with eight pins and a plate in her leg—and she decided to take the leap

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#VanLife - Climber Clara Soh Is Living Life in 72 Sq Ft

Summer may be over, but #VanLife definitely is not. To learn more about how you can diversify your feed, follow along with our #VanLife series. Our first feature is climber Clara Soh, who survived two accidents and 22 reconstructive surgeries before downsizing into 72 sq ft.

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An Off-Season Mountain Biker’s Guide To Staying In Shape (BIPOC Edition)

After talking to other BIPOC mountain cyclists, I found that I was not alone. Whether they ride for leisure, for sport, or competitively, we all share the struggle of staying physically and mentally conditioned during the off season […] So here’s a  collection of workouts, practices, and experiences that I gathered from BIPOC mountain cyclists all around the country.

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