Tsalani Lassiter is a black Peruvian photographer who has been capturing bears and other large animals on film for the past eight years.
Read MoreGiven the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are stuck at home with just a pull-up bar. Not to worry, here are some tips for improving your pull-up!
Read MoreLearning to appreciate my Korean and Taiwanese roots during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreFour things you can do to respond to racism wherever it exists: at the grocery store, local crag, trailhead and beyond.
Read MoreTo those with privilege, the outdoors is a place where you can be your most authentic, unburdened self. For the rest of us, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Read MoreSexy, sex positive or sexist - do you know the difference?
Read MoreLearn how Washington-based nonprofit Climbers of Color is centering BIPOC voices in the outdoors and redefining what it means to be a leader in mountaineering.
Read MoreAfter a traumatic injury sidelined me from kayaking last year, I went through a pretty dark period of my life. It forced me to come face to face with how much self worth I’d attached to kayaking and other outdoor activities.
Read MoreThree years ago, my friend asked, “do you want to go ice climbing with me?” I laughed loudly, saying, “I get cold in 75 degree weather! I would never survive in such cold temps. I’m a southerner!” For the next two years, I refused their offer. Then out of the blue, something changed.
Read MoreMost backcountry sports come with the risk of injury; but, if we’re honest, most of us don’t seriously consider what could go wrong until something bad happens.
Read MoreConservation biologist Iris Hill has worked for Tyler Perry studio, transcribed audio for Whitney Houston and auditioned to become a back-up dancer for Beyoncé. Her life transformed when she decided to merge her passion for acting with her love of nature and outdoor education.
Read MoreShe described herself as feeling much more self-aware and much more nervous on her second BASE jump. But then she thought about how she had almost died while driving to work one day in Arizona—a rollover accident that left her with eight pins and a plate in her leg—and she decided to take the leap
Read More…#vanlife to them is not about recreation. It’s about securing a financial future that includes land ownership and a custom built home—not an easy feat in one of the least affordable housing markets in the country.
Read MoreOur second feature from our #VanLife series is BASE jumper and skydiver Ben Yue. Oh, he bartends too! And he’s a dog dad to a pup named Cornbread.
Read MoreI HATE THE COLD. I even wear ski pants to work. Earmuffs are on my head for at least eight months out of the year. I consider anything less then 75 degrees Fahrenheit to be too cold, but I climb year round.
Read MoreSummer may be over, but #VanLife definitely is not. To learn more about how you can diversify your feed, follow along with our #VanLife series. Our first feature is climber Clara Soh, who survived two accidents and 22 reconstructive surgeries before downsizing into 72 sq ft.
Read MoreRing in the New Year with our top ten articles of 2019.
Read MoreIt was on the rolling hills of Max Patch that I was able to nurture the wide-eyed explorer within myself. With my feet on my prayer mat, a friend by my side, and mountains as far as the eye can see, my hope was and still is to continuously seek out the grand design all while taking steps towards a better me.
Read MoreAfter talking to other BIPOC mountain cyclists, I found that I was not alone. Whether they ride for leisure, for sport, or competitively, we all share the struggle of staying physically and mentally conditioned during the off season […] So here’s a collection of workouts, practices, and experiences that I gathered from BIPOC mountain cyclists all around the country.
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