Posts tagged Mobility Training
Spinal Fusion Recovery Tips: Hip Bridges

In 2019, I suffered a devastating spinal injury that left me with weak noodles for legs. In November 2023, I finally bit the bullet and had surgery. The road to recovery has been difficult. I’m going to share my first progression of rehab exercises—hip bridges. Remember, only try these if you’ve been cleared by your doctor and physical therapist.

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Stronger Shoulders with Just One Exercise

The first time I dislocated my shoulder was in college. Little did I know then, I have a connective tissue disorder which makes it easy for me to dislocate joints. Once I started climbing, I began to dislocate both shoulders regularly and was forced to learn how to put my shoulders back in place. One day, I stumbled upon an exercise that changed my life and I haven’t dislocated a shoulder in years.

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